Who journals? And no I don’t mean @chatbooks even though I love them so much. I am talking about the old school, pen to paper, deep dark secrets journaling. Ok maybe not that intense, but journaling is one of my goals for this year. I keep it simple – there are not parameters to this goal except that I give it a solid effort. I am not exactly sure how I feel about it. Somedays I write novels, and some days I write almost nothing. But I enjoy it enough and am curious enough to keep going. Here are a few of my favorite tops and tricks. What things do you do to help you journal more frequently? And am I the only one who struggles with keeping a journal?
1. Make a regular habit out of it
2. Keep your journal close by
3. Turn to your journal in moments of need
4. Make your journal a judgment free zone
Ideas: Check in with yourself and how you’re feeling, reflect on what happened during your day, work through something that you’re going through, and write unsent letters to someone in your life.