Check jayden out Check Jayden out!!! This is awesome.#karate#preview#kicksandtricks#bobbylawrencekarate35w Check Jayden out!!! This is awesome.#karate#preview#kicksandtricks#bobbylawrencekarate35w Don't lie!!!! Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies. #lies#videooftheday35w My lunch at Apollo!!! I love this place. #yum#lunch#breakfastforlunch35w Sunday at our house! The kids built a blanket fort. Impressive.#sunday#funday#blanketfort#family#love#photooftheday36w
fitness.realtySo crazy!!!! Look at my arm. Ew#spiders #tarantual #spelling #itshard36wcatnipandtacosIs it true that sometimes tarantuals can be hiding in the bananannanaaas you buy at the stoer?36w1 likeReplyView replies (1) Oh yeah! Got the best boss ever rocking the Fitness Realty swag! Thanks my brother.#bestbossever#thanks#swag#rockingit36w
fitness.realtyBest Topgolf time!!! Thanks homie!Oh yeah.#topgolf36wsavourtoothLove top golf so much fun36wReplyView replies (1)
fitness.realtyHonestly I just love what I do!!! I help people stay in the driver seat during their transaction. If you want to feel like you have all the options and…
fitness.realtyTough choices!!?! Help me decide, which ones fit my face?#sunglasses #lasik #booyah #lovemyeyes #locs #og36wmechelmybellSecond pair!36wReplynickvstrong#2 👌🏾36wReplyfitness.realtyThanks Y'all!!! I really like all of them. I have been wearing a pair each day so far ha ha…
fitness.realtyCome to the land of Topgolf! Queso, chips and salsa, yum. Listening to that new Bieber jam, lol. Not really.#topgolf #queso #satelliteoffice36wmonsieur.candeeSounds like a good day to me!36w1 likeReplyView replies (1)