- fitness.realtyDON’T BE CONFUSED. You’ve seen this, but I must get the word out. More people keep asking how come we take so little commission compared to other companies…I tell them we aren’t greedy. Check it out.
Send me a text for questions, 8018915305
#fitnessrealty #fitness #love #awesome #views #picoftheday #photography #photooftheday #home #boom #family #getit #goals #doit59w - ferl0005How did you get started in this59wReply
- fitness.realty@ferligoj I’ve been in home sales for 10 years now. Recently we launched our company and we thought we would bring back solid principles of integrity among others. We just don’t believe in feeding greed.59wReply
- bilbolove18👏👏👏✌59wReply